take what works for you, and leave the rest.

You’d think after all that training and practice and actually getting Yoga Alliance Certified I’d be feeling pretty confident in my teaching, wouldn’t you? Rationally, yeah, but since when does my brain think about things rationally? Opposite, in fact. Before my “first class back” I was probably just about as nervous as I was before…… Continue reading take what works for you, and leave the rest.

the journey, one year in

Ah, the Facebook “On This Day” feature. Most days, it’s a reminder of what an embarrassing human I can be – poorly-edited selfies, links to terribly angsty music videos, ridiculous status updates about god knows what. (I always know it’s gonna be cringe-worthy, why do I feel the need to look?!) But this week I…… Continue reading the journey, one year in

fear/comfort zones/magic

Admit it – there’s a certain type of joy that comes from seeing another person be just a little bit scared. Not in a mean-spirited way, of course, we’re just talking about short-lived, ultimately harmless fear here. The joy comes from watching someone experience that moment of fear, and move through it. Before you think…… Continue reading fear/comfort zones/magic

you do you, boo

Confession: I maybe kinda left the yoga studio tonight and immediately spent the money I’d just earned teaching on Poptarts, Fresca, and the latest edition of Cosmo. Whoops, my Good Yogi halo is slipping. Yeah…you all know how much I’m not concerned with being a perfect yogi. Who says I can’t guide a class into…… Continue reading you do you, boo

#sorrynotsorry, pet peeves on the yoga mat

So by now you’ve probably picked up on the fact that I’m not exactly the most serene, even-tempered, kumbaya, save-the-whales yogi. More often than I’d like to admit, the “no judgment” rule gets completely thrown out the window. The “no expectations” rule, that one slips too – if things don’t go the way I think…… Continue reading #sorrynotsorry, pet peeves on the yoga mat

“but you can’t eat meat, you’re a yogi…”

All yogis are vegetarian, everyone knows that. Well…no, not exactly. As popular a belief as that is, eating meat does nothing to diminish your legitimacy as a “true” yogi.               On some level, I can understand where the assumption comes from. A lot of yogis do choose the veggie life.…… Continue reading “but you can’t eat meat, you’re a yogi…”

oh portugal, you so lovely

Heads up to any superstitious, woo-woo, hippie-type people who decide to tuck a moonstone in their pocket for good luck while traveling: you’re gonna beep when you go through the airport security scanner. And the security girl is gonna look at you reeeeally weirdly when you’re like “oh, no worries, it’s just my moonstone healing…… Continue reading oh portugal, you so lovely

stubborn as a mule. or a yogi.

I’ve always said my stubbornness is both my best and my worst trait. Just about anything I’ve accomplished in this lifetime, it’s because I’ve been too stubborn to admit defeat. A prime example? The morning before I did the test for my driver’s licence I was practicing parallel parking, in tears of frustration, when my instructor…… Continue reading stubborn as a mule. or a yogi.


The golden rules of yoga: No judgment, no expectations for yourself or for your practice, and no competition. So…wanna remember that “no judgment” part when I admit I’m guilty of breaking those rules occasionally myself? I caught myself in the act not too long ago at a yoga class I dropped in to. Mid vinyasa,…… Continue reading #yogastrong

…i have a way with words

“Rising up into Warrior 2, you want your right foot to be…” where?? How do I normally cue this?!? Come on, come on words, finish your sentence!! “…right there at the end of your leg.” Seriously? Ugggggh. I’ve been speaking English for a good 20+ years – you’d think I’d have a better grasp of the…… Continue reading …i have a way with words